The frequent Flyer 2000 Program is aimed at granting Moldavian Airlines loyal customers price rebates as well as supplementary advantages.

  • Program participant will take possession of the nominal Frequent Flyer card entitling its holder to instant discounts upon presentation of the card at Moldavian Airlines central Agency.
  • To enroll for the Program the customer is to purchase at least one Moldavian Airlines ticket and, having filled in the application form, hand it in afterwards to a company’s agents participating in the Program.
  • There are six participation levels: BASIC, PREMIUM SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM and DIAMOND. The Frequent Flyer philosophy is simple: the more you travel with us, the higher level you are promoted to. The promotional amounts along with respective discounts granted are as follows:
Individual <$1,000 $1,001 — $2,500 $2,501 — $4,000 $4,001 — $5,500 $5,501 — $7,000 >$7,001
Corporate <$5,000 $5,001 — $15,000 $15,001 — 25,000 $25,001 — $35,000 $35,001 — $45,000 >$45,001
Discount for direct flights Moldavian Airlines 2.5% 3.5% 5.0% 7.0% 9.5% 12.5%
Discount for transit flights Moldavian Airlines 3.5% 5.0% 7.0% 9.5% 12.0% 15.0%
Additional Advantages
Free ticket delivery x x x x x x
Priority in case of waiting list x x x x x
Time-limit extension x x x x
Additional free baggage allowance 5kg x x
Additional free baggage allowance 10kg x
  • Discounts are differentiated for itineraries entirely operated by Moldavian Airlines and transit routings (Moldavian Airlines and other carrier (s)), the later being subject to discounts on Moldavian Airlines operated route portions only.
  • When routing does not comprise Moldavian Airlines operated segments, no discount is granted to the participant, however, the fare paid contributes to participant’s accumulative amount.
  • Upon accumulation of proper amount the participant gets possession of a higher level Frequent Flyer Card.
  • Participation may be individual or corporate.
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